Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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307 lines
* CALLS.DOC - Summary of DOOR support functions provided by ProKIT
* (C) 1988 Samuel H. Smith (rev. 04-aug-88)
procedure init;
{must be first - opens com port, loads setup and user data}
procedure uninit;
{must be last - closes com port and updates database}
procedure close_down_door(messages: boolean);
{same as uninit but does not send ANY messages to the caller
if called as close_down_door(false)}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* high level input and output *)
procedure disp(msg: string);
{display a string without linefeed}
procedure displn(msg: string);
{display a string and linefeed, increments linenum}
procedure pdisp(msg: string);
{display a string without linefeed, allows $ and @ macros}
procedure pdispln(msg: string);
{display a string and linefeed, increments linenum, allows $ and @ macros}
procedure newline;
{C/R and linefeed, increments linenum}
procedure display_file(name: string);
{displays the contents of named file;
automatic "more:" prompting;
adds "g" to filename in graphics mode}
procedure display_file_raw(name: string; number_lines);
{display a file with line numbers added}
procedure input(var line: string; {the variable to input into}
maxlen: integer); {maximum length of input}
{read a line of input with the specified length; echo to screen;
leaves cursor after the last key typed before C/R;
automatic check for time-left and carrier loss - sets dump_user}
procedure get_cmdline;
{calls 'input' to read into 'cmdline', maps to upper case}
procedure get_nextpar;
{scan next param from 'cmdline' into 'par'}
procedure wait_for_enter;
{prompt "Press (enter) to continue: " only in novice mode}
procedure force_enter;
{prompt "Press (enter) to continue: "}
procedure position(x,y: byte);
{position cursor; graphics mode only}
procedure clear_screen;
{ease screen in current color; graphics mode only}
procedure clear_eol;
{clear to end of line; graphics mode only}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* high-level command-line input and prompt handlers *)
procedure get_cmdline_raw(prelength: integer);
{get a command line; prelength=0 for normal prompts.
if prelength > 0 then the user input and a prompt of prelength
characters will be erased from the screen after the input}
procedure prompt_def(prompt: string80; default: string80);
{display a prompt with a default value; example:
prompt_def('File to open:','(Enter)=none? ');}
procedure get_def(prompt: string80; default: string80);
{get input after displaying a prompt with a default}
procedure get_defn(prompt: string80; default: string80);
{same as get_def but appends '(Enter)=none?' to the end of the default}
procedure get_defen(prompt: string80);
{same as get_def but the default is always '(Enter)=none?'}
procedure get_defyn(prompt: string80; default: boolean);
{get input with yes/no default based on boolean value}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* low level input and output *)
function nomore: boolean;
{prompts "more?" when needed,
returns TRUE if user answers 'no' or uses ^K}
procedure display_file_raw(name: string; remove_semicolons);
{display a file with semicolons in column 1 changed to spaces (script0)}
procedure display_file_raw(name: string; remove_paths);
{display a file with all drive and directory names excluded}
procedure display_file_raw(name: string; dir_colorize);
{display a DIR file with automatic colorization}
function get_key: char;
{wait for single key; no echo}
function key_ready: boolean;
{is a key waiting (local or remote)}
function time_key(ms: real): char;
{wait for a key; returns chr(0) if no key is pressed with
'ms' thousandths of a second}
procedure check_carrier_loss;
{set dump_user and print msg on carrier loss}
function carrier_present: boolean;
{returns TRUE only if carrier is present}
procedure transmit_data(s: string);
{send a string to the modem without echo to the local display}
procedure flush_com;
{wait for all requested output to be sent to the modem}
procedure lower_dtr;
{force the modem to hang-up}
procedure raise_dtr;
{allow the modem to operate again}
procedure force_offhook;
{hang up and then place the modem off-hook}
procedure line_input(var line: string; {read input into this variable}
maxlen: integer; {maximum length of input}
echo: boolean; {echo to screen? dots if false}
autocr: boolean); {automatic C/R when full?}
{line input with full control}
function scan_nextpar(var cmdline: string): string;
{scan a string and return the next ";" or " " delimited parameter;
removes the param from the input string; used in command stacking}
procedure popup_prompt(prompt: string; var answer: string);
{prompt for input; erase prompt afterwards}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* color control *)
function aBLUE: string;
function aCYAN: string; {output ansi color codes}
function aGRAY: string; {return null strings in non-graphic mode}
function aGREEN: string;
function aGREY: string;
function aMAGENTA: string;
function aRED: string;
function aWHITE: string;
function aYELLOW: string;
procedure default_color;
{change display to the default color (as defined in pcbsetup)}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* pcboard information functions *)
function expert: boolean; {expert flag set?}
function graphics: boolean; {ansi graphics flag set?}
function local: boolean; {local mode?, no com port}
function minutes_left: integer;
{minutes left before automatic logoff}
function time_used: integer;
{minutes used since login}
procedure adjust_time_allowed(seconds: real);
{add or subtract online time}
procedure check_time_left;
{print a message and set dump_user if time has run out}
procedure display_time(true);
{display (xxxx used, xxxx left)}
procedure display_time(false);
{display (xxxx left)}
function conference_name: string;
{example: 'Main Board' or 'xxxx Conference'}
function download_k_allowed: real;
{how many K bytes are left for downloading?}
function event_run_needed(event_now): boolean;
{will event be started immediately if the caller logs off right now?}
function event_run_needed(event_possible): boolean;
{will the event be due if the caller uses all available time}
function minutes_before_event: integer;
{how many minutes before the event is to be started?}
function verify_level(func: char): boolean;
{example: verify_level('D') = true
if pcboard 'D' command is allowed;
logs security violation if not}
procedure make_log_entry (entry: string; {message to log}
echo: boolean); {also display if true}
{make an entry in caller log;
also echo to screen if second param is TRUE}
procedure chat_mode;
{activate sysop-chat mode}
procedure operator_page;
{page sysop and possibly enter chat mode}
procedure online_user_update;
{edit user password, phone numbers, security level, conference
registrations, etc}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* utilities *)
procedure replace_string( var line: string; oldstr, newstr: string);
{scans line and replaces all occurences of 'oldstr' with 'newstr'}
procedure stoupper(var st: string);
{map string to all upper case}
procedure strip_trailing(var s: string);
{remove trailing spaces from a string variable}
function get_environment_var(id: string): string;
{returns the value of an envionment variable;
example: get_environment_var('PATH=') returns "C:\;C:\BATCH..."}
function get_time: real;
{returns the time of day in seconds since midnight}
function todays_date_mmddyy: string8; {format: mmddyy}
function todays_date_yymmdd: string8; {format: yymmdd}
function system_date: string; {format: mm-dd-yy}
function system_time: string; {format: hh:mm}
function expdate(yymmdd: string): string;
{convert mmddyy to mm-dd-yy}
function mmddyy_to_yymmdd(mmddyy: string8): string8;
{convert mmddyy to yymmdd}
function yymmdd_to_mmddyy(yymmdd: string8): string8;
{convert yymmdd to mmddyy}
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* data type conversion *)
function wtoa(w: word): string; {word to ascii}
function ltoa(int: longint): string; {longint to ascii}
function itoa(int: integer): string; {integer to ascii}
function atof(asc: string): real; {ascii to float}
function atoi(asc: string): integer; {ascii to integer}
function atol(asc: string): longint; {ascii to longint}
function atow(asc: string): word; {ascii to word}
function ftoa(f: real; width,dec: integer): string;
{convert pascal floating to string with specified width and decimal places}
function stof(B: single): real; {convert 4 byte single (basic format) to real}
function dtof(B: double): real; {convert 8 byte double (basic format) to real}
procedure ftod(PasReal: real; var B: double); {convert real to 8 byte double}
procedure ftos(PasReal: real; var B: single); {convert real to 4 byte single}
function stoa(s: single): string; {convert single to ascii}
function stol(s: single): longint; {convert single to longint}